The Musqueam Land Code came into effect on June 5, 2017. Since that day, Musqueam’s lands governance department has focused on the transition from the Reserve Land & Environment Management Program to that of full Musqueam Land Code implementation.
Musqueam Lands Governance objective:
- improve the effectiveness and efficiency of Musqueam land governance; and
- management and administration by integrating the guiding principles of accountability, capacity-building, collaboration, communications, and recognition into our day-to-day activities.
Key functions of Musqueam Lands Governance
Musqueam Land Code
Musqueam Land Code was approved by community through a ratification vote in 2012, and is effective as of 2017.
Our land code is a form of sectoral self-government under the Framework Agreement on First Nation Land Management with Canada. This means governance and regulation related to Musqueam Lands (i.e. Musqueam Indian Reserves) is different than neighbouring municipalities.
As per Musqueam Land Code s.6.1, Musqueam Chief & Council may make laws respecting development, protection, management, use and possession of Musqueam Lands, including interests, licenses, and other matters.
Read the Musqueam Land Code (2012)
Enacted laws under Musqueam Land Code:
- Enforcement & Ticketing Law (2024) (Urgent Temporary as of October 15, 2024)
- Fireworks Law (2024) (Urgent Temporary as of October 15, 2024)
- Land Registry Law (2018)
- Residential Tenancy Act (Shalimar) (2019)
- Subdivision, Development, and Servicing Law (2023)
Musqueam Land Use Plan
The Musqueam Land Use Plan is one component of our Comprehensive Community Plan called ‘We Speak With One Heart and Mind,’ or nəc̓əmat tə sxʷqʷeləwən ct in our language. It establishes a direction for future land development, guidelines for managing development, and a process and framework for making more specific development decisions.
Musqueam Land Use Plan establishes:
- a direction for future land development
- guidelines for managing development
- a process and framework for making more specific development decisions
The Land Use Plan is not a regulatory plan. It is a strategic plan that applies to all Musqueam lands, including our reserves and fee simple properties. It is to be consulted to ensure that short-term, current planning supports our long term plans and community objectives.