Musqueam Employment and Training job coaches and mentors are available to support you in seeking new opportunities.
Services include:
- essential skills assessments
- job placements
- practical supports for members starting a new job (e.g. work gear, tools, transportation, mentorship, childcare subsidy)
- post-employment supports and counselling, access to training and related supports, and referrals to other community resources
During COVID-19, Musqueam Employment and Training staff can provide some targeted assistance to members needing support applying for financial assistance or access to EI or CERB benefits.
Latest employment and training opportunities
City of Vancouver
Project Facilitator (City-wide Plan) – Indigenous Liaison
Bill Reid Gallery
Museum of Anthropology
British Columbia Infrastructure Benefits
Bay Hill Contracting
Looking for workers for project at YVR constructing underground electrical concrete encased ductbanks. Experience nice but not required. Contact Terry Sparrow ([email protected]) for more information.
Department Contacts
Terry Sparrow, Interim Manager
[email protected]
Courtney Copoc, Job Coach
[email protected]
Krista Brisk, Administrative Assistant
[email protected]
Joanne Kern, Essential Skills and Mentor Coordinator
[email protected]