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Make your own emergency kit!

Put together your own emergency kit with Musqueam staff to prepare your household for an emergency. For three days from 1-8pm in the community centre classroom, you can come build your own kit for FREE!

sθəqəlxenəm park community celebration (NEW DATE)

All Musqueam community members are invited to attend a community celebration at the new sθəqəlxenəm park in downtown Vancouver! This is the first Vancouver park that has received a hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓ name from Musqueam, which was gifted to the park at a naming ceremony in June. 

Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner! (Musqueam Housing Event)

Musqueam Cultural Centre 4000 Musqueam Ave, Vancouver

Musqueam Housing is hosting an open house on Thursday, August 25 from 4:30-7pm. Stop by, eat some BBQ catered by Smoke and Bones and learn about all of Musqueam Housing's programs that will save you money and keep you safe!