Musqueam Canoe Races 2023
Third Annual Chief Ernie Memorial Canoe Races is happening Saturday, June 10 and Sunday, June 11 at Musqueam!
Third Annual Chief Ernie Memorial Canoe Races is happening Saturday, June 10 and Sunday, June 11 at Musqueam!
Musqueam Health is hosting bi-weekly drop-in lunches for expecting and new parents! Share a meal and learn about services, resources and tips for being a new parent.
Musqueam Health is hosting a free six-session diabetes self-management program for any adults with diabetes. Musqueam members and friends are welcome to join.
Join us on Thursday, June 15 at 5pm in the cultural centre to celebrate our graduates this year.
The City of Vancouver is hosting three public open houses this month for the revised Jericho Lands site concept.
Join us for this open house about the Musqueam Community Rental Complex to learn about design changes since 2021.
Join us for Indigenous Peoples Day 2023!
Musqueam Health is hosting a free six-session diabetes self-management program for any adults with diabetes. Musqueam members and friends are welcome to join.
Every other Thursday afternoon this summer, the Musqueam Farmers Market is set up outside of the community centre. Free for community. Bring a reusable bag!
Ahead of the community budget presentation, there is an information drop-in session for members to learn about the budget and speak with Acting CFO Jay Gill.
The City of Vancouver is hosting three public open houses this month for the revised Jericho Lands site concept.
The City of Vancouver is hosting three public open houses this month for the revised Jericho Lands site concept.
Attention all Musqueam band members: The budget for fiscal year ending March 31, 2024 will be presented to membership on June 26. This is an important meeting and you are encouraged to attend.
Musqueam Health is hosting bi-weekly drop-in lunches for expecting and new parents! Share a meal and learn about services, resources and tips for being a new parent.
Musqueam Health is hosting a free six-session diabetes self-management program for any adults with diabetes. Musqueam members and friends are welcome to join.
What is self-government? What does it mean if Musqueam becomes self-governing? Join Councillor Rosalind Campbell and Tim Raybould to learn how Musqueam can implement our ancestral right to create our own laws and decisions about our governance.
Musqueam is negotiating with the federal government to guarantee the continued survival, dignity and well-being of our people - just like our ancestors did before us. Join us tonight to learn more and ask questions directly to the negotiating team about what this can mean for Musqueam.
Musqueam Health is hosting a free six-session diabetes self-management program for any adults with diabetes. Musqueam members and friends are welcome to join.
Every other Thursday afternoon this summer, the Musqueam Farmers Market is set up outside of the community centre. Free for community. Bring a reusable bag!
Join Kymberlee Stogan to make your own strawberry jam!