Beading with Rebecca Campbell
Join Rebecca on Friday, October 20 in the upstairs library of the community centre.
Join Rebecca on Friday, October 20 in the upstairs library of the community centre.
A dinner for our grade 12 students planning to attend post-secondary. Come out to the library upstairs in the community centre to discuss plans and ideas for after graduation.
Youth aged 15+ are invited to learn the basics about banking, budgeting, credit scores and managing money. Email Santana for more info!
Musqueam Education is excited to host a two-day drum making workshop, taught by Kelly Louis. Contact Lucetta to register!
A two-session workshop to learn how to make rattles. Register with Lucetta in the education department.
Information session for Elders about phone scams, bail money scams, distraction thefts and cybercrime.
A two-session workshop to learn how to make rattles. Register with Lucetta in the education department.
Join the staff from VSB, Southlands Elementary and Musqueam to learn all about how to register and prepare your child for kindergarten in September.
Musqueam students are invited to tour Langara College.
Community is invited to celebrate Musqueam’s 2024 graduates!
The Chief Ernie Campbell Memorial Fund (CECMF) is happy to announce that they are currently accepting applications for post-secondary bursaries and scholarships for the 24/25 school year. Deadline to apply is August 15, 2024.
Deadline to apply for Musqueam students who are either newly admitted to or currently registered at the University of British Columbia to apply to the Musqueam Scholarship.
January financial aid and high school cheques are available to pick up from the band office on Tuesday, December 10 from 9am to 12pm.