Beading with Rebecca Campbell
Join Rebecca on Friday, October 20 in the upstairs library of the community centre.
Join Rebecca on Friday, October 20 in the upstairs library of the community centre.
Immunizations will be offered in the gym on October 20. Call the health department to book an appointment.
Musqueam members are invited to the MCC Open House, which will include the presentation of MCC's audited financial statements from the previous fiscal year.
A workshop to learn how to create or update your resume.
A community bingo night in the community centre gym.
Door prizes, costume contest, candy bags, snacks and more!! All ages welcome!
Join for lunch on Halloween! Hosted by Musqueam Housing
A dinner for our grade 12 students planning to attend post-secondary. Come out to the library upstairs in the community centre to discuss plans and ideas for after graduation.
Deadline to submit your authorization forms for distribution payment on November 30.
All fishers are invited to attend this workshop.
Youth aged 15+ are invited to learn the basics about banking, budgeting, credit scores and managing money. Email Santana for more info!
Join Musqueam Housing to learn about air quality in your home.
Join Musqueam Housing to learn the basics about home ownership.
Join this all-day workshop to learn about health and safety for First Nations housing.
Join the archives team for a walk down memory lane! We will share old photographs from the Musqueam Archives photo collection and reminisce.
Join us in the gym to try floor hockey with Fin from the Canucks!
Musqueam Education is excited to host a two-day drum making workshop, taught by Kelly Louis. Contact Lucetta to register!
Elders are invited to learn about the draft Musqueam Village Plan (formerly the MIB Master Plan) at this lunch discussion.
The Musqueam holiday craft fair is on Saturday, November 25 and Sunday November 26 from 10am-4pm
A two-session workshop to learn how to make rattles. Register with Lucetta in the education department.