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Kids Summer Rec 2024: REGISTRATION

Parents are invited to register their child(ren) on Thursday, July 4 and Friday, July 5, between 10am to 2pm in the Community Centre.

Slahal Nights (July 9)

Land Based Healing is hosting four nights of slahal this July!

Apron giveaway!

The Language and Culture Department has a limited amount of aprons for Musqueam Community members! Stop by the band office main boardroom to pick one up.

Slahal Nights (July 16)

Four nights of slahal/bone games this July in the Cultural Centre!

Trivia Night: Movies!

Test your movie trivia knowledge with Quizmaster Gordon Grant! Teams of four. Snacks and drinks provided.

Vancouver Pride Parade 2024

Join us in supporting our two-spirit relatives by representing Musqueam in the Vancouver Pride Parade! Shuttle leaves at 10:30am.