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Back to School Online Info Session

Zoom (Online)

Musqueam back to school during COVID-19 Musqueam’s Education Department has been working closely with the Vancouver School Board to determine how best to accommodate Musqueam students this fall. Please join us on Thursday, September 3 at 5pm for an online information session about the upcoming school year. Musqueam Back to School Online Info Session Thursday, September 3, 2020 […]

Musqueam Tea and Talk

Join us Wednesday October 21st for our first Musqueam Tea and Talk Time: 6:30 pm—7:30 pm Location: Online (Zoom) This is an opportunity to simply socialize with other community members and help pass the time while isolating. Brew some tea, butter some bread, or grab some water and join us for friendly visiting on Zoom. […]

Musqueam Drive-Thru Pumpkin Patch

Musqueam Drive Thru Pumpkin Patch Date: TODAY Thurs October 22, 2020 Time: 4-6pm Where: In front of the Musqueam Cultural Centre   Due to Covid-19, this event is for on-reserve families. We ask that everyone picking up a pumpkin remain in their vehicles and follow direction from our volunteers. Each child will receive a pumpkin […]

Nomination Meeting for Musqueam Chief and Council

Musqueam Indian Band has called an election for the purpose of electing one Chief and ten Councillors on Monday, November 30, 2020 for the next ensuing term of office. The nomination meeting will be Sunday, October 25, 2020 at 5pm. Learn more:

COVID Vaccine Clinic #1

Gym @ Musqueam Community Centre

Who will be immunized: Elders on reserve, medically vulnerable members, members who have NOT had their first vaccine dose, including youth aged 12-15