The Musqueam Lands Governance Office is seeking expressions of interest (EOIs) from band members who want to be appointed to the Musqueam Lands Committee.
Click to read the Request for EOIs notice
About the Lands Committee
The Musqueam Land Code was approved by community in 2012 and came into effect on June 5, 2017. It is one of the first steps Musqueam has taken towards self-governance.
The land code requires a Lands Committee (also known as Land Code Committee) to support the code’s implementation through developing laws and processes, reviewing lands and development applications, making recommendations to council, among other tasks.
Click here to read the Lands Committee Terms of Reference
The Lands Committee is made up of seven band members:
- Two Members at Large
- One Youth Representative (18 – 29)
- One Elder Representative (60+)
- Three members of Musqueam Council
All committee members are required to be registered Musqueam members over the age of 18. The length of term of office (4 years) for Lands Committee members is the same as for Musqueam Indian Band Council.
The Committee generally meets once a month, and more often as necessary to fulfill their responsibilities. Committee members may also attend community meetings for consultation and to hear feedback from Musqueam members about lands governance, laws, and other projects. Committee members will receive an honorarium for full attendance and participation in each scheduled Lands Committee meeting.
How to apply
If you are interested in applying for a position on the Lands Committee, please submit a letter expressing your interest to Kim A. Guerin, Lands Governance Officer. Letters can be emailed or hand delivered to the band office.
Interested band members should be dedicated to understanding the Musqueam Land Code, and keen to learn about how we govern our reserve lands, including how we develop laws, processes, and applications that comply with our land code.
Deadline to apply
January 10, 2025
Kim A. Guerin, Lands Governance Officer, [email protected]
Or call the band office reception and ask to speak with Kim: 604-263-3261
Visit the Lands Governance department page for more information about the Musqueam Land Code: