Checkpoint Workers: Call for Expressions of Interest (PDF)
Information Checkpoint Support Workers
Musqueam Security is reaching out to the Musqueam community for additional checkpoint workers.
We are currently creating a list of interested Musqueam/community members to work with a Licensed Basic Security Training (BST) Musqueam Indian Band member at the security information checkpoints.
Duties will include:
- Engaging with all vehicles entering Musqueam Indian Reserve #2 – Musqueam Band & community members, leasehold residents and business deliveries/pick-ups
- Engaging with all walkers – Musqueam Band & community members, leasehold residents and non-members
- Engaging with all bicyclists – Musqueam Band & community members, leasehold residents and non-members
- Working closely with Security Manager, Laurence Paul for scheduling
Scheduling shift work with our existing team is very limited.
We ask all who are interested to contact Musqueam’s HR Department to request application forms: [email protected] or 604-263-3261
Looking forward to working with accepted applicants!
Laurence Paul
Security Manager