Emergency resources for Musqueam members
Musqueam is coordinating our emergency response to COVID-19 on an urgent-needs basis. Our priority is to support the health and safety of our members, especially members within vulnerable populations, and we are providing direct supports when possible (resources and capacity permitting).
If you need support, contact Musqueam Administration and request an essential supplies request form.
Musqueam COVID-19 Hotline — 604-269-3444 — [email protected]
Funds are available to respond to specific needs of families who are eligible for income assistance, disability assistance, medical services or hardship assistance. Eligibility is determined according to criteria set out by the federal and provincial governments.
Musqueam Health Information
Musqueam Primary Care Clinic: 604-266-0048
Community Health Nurse: [email protected]
HealthLink BC: 8-1-1
If you have COVID-19 symptoms, do not show up unexpectedly to the clinic for testing.
- First, complete BC’s COVID-19 Self-Assessment Tool at thrive.health/covid19 to determine if your symptoms could be COVID-19 related.
- Second, call the COVID-19 Hotline (604-269-3444) for an in-depth assessment over the phone. The nurse can assist with setting up a test if needed.
- Call 8-1-1 (HealthLink BC) if you need to speak with someone outside of clinic hours or are unable to reach the nurse.
Contact Musqueam Health to report potential exposure to COVID-19 and immediately isolate. This includes if you feel ill with mild symptoms or have returned home from ANY recent travel.
Covid-19 info documents from Musqueam Health
- Musqueam COVID Risk Level Protocol to illustrate Musqueam’s model for assessing risk and implementing health protocols on Musqueam Reserve.
- COVID-19 Positive Test Response Protocol for individuals who test positive for COVID-19.
The Primary Care Clinic is open for telehealth appointments for patients of the clinic. Call 604-266-0043 to make an appointment.
Department Contacts for COVID-related enquiries
Musqueam Safety and Security
Patrolling the community from 4pm – 8am, seven days a week. Receives calls and responds to safety and security concerns from community members and leaseholders. Manager is on call weekdays from 9am to 5pm.
MIB Safety and Security Patrol – 604-968-8058
Musqueam Social Development
Financial Aid Workers provide financial support to eligible adults and their dependents living on reserve. During COVID-19, additional targeted supports are available to those in need.
Leanne Hensel – [email protected] // Michele Point – [email protected] – 778-991-1284
Social Workers support families interacting with provincial authorities (MCFD, Justice, Family Law, etc.) that involve or directly impact Musqueam children and families living on or off reserve.
Terry Carroll, Social Worker – [email protected]
Safehouse – provides temporary housing and wrap around supports for Musqueam children and their families whose immediate safety is at risk.
Christina Campbell, Coordinator – [email protected] – 604-558-4677
Musqueam Employment and Training
Supports Musqueam members seeking employment or training opportunities. Services include: essential skills assessments, job placements, practical supports for members starting a new job (e.g. work gear, tools, transportation, mentorship, childcare subsidy), post-employment supports and counselling, access to training and related supports, and referrals to other community resources.
During COVID-19, staff may also be able to provide some targeted assistance to members if you need help applying for financial assistance.
Musqueam Housing
MIB staff and external contractors / technicians continue to make emergency or urgent house calls only, while ensuring that physical distancing is maintained. All requests for home repairs or support will be screened and prioritized as they come in.
Emergency or urgent housing repairs: 604-269-3381
Musqueam Public Works
The public works department continues to maintain our community’s physical infrastructure (such as water, sewer, storm drainage, road systems, community buildings and grounds – including our parks and sports fields) with core staff.
Norman Point, Manager, Public Works and Community Infrastructure – [email protected] 604-269-3376
Public Works emergencies / urgent concerns after-hours: 604-841-9295
Musqueam Education
Questions about education support (from kindergarten to post-secondary) or technology support needs (during the school year) can be directed to the education department.
Faye Mitchell, Manager – [email protected] – 604-263-3261