nə́c̓aʔmat ʔiʔ k̓am̓k̓ʷəm̓ ct tə ɬniməɬ šxʷməθkʷəy̓əmaʔɬ məsteyəxʷ.
We the Musqueam people are united and strong.
ʔəy̓ tə šxʷqʷeləwən ct ʔiʔ c̓ɬhi:yay̓əstəl̕ k̓ʷs ʔəy̓al̕əm ct.
We have good hearts and will work together to do the right thing.
haʔkʷəx ct ceʔ tə snəw̓eyəɬ k̓ʷs ʔis sθəθiy̓s tə xʷməθkʷəy̓əm.
We will use our teachings so the Musqueam people will be alright.
xaʔɬəmət ct ceʔ tə siyál̕əxʷeʔ ct, tə mem̓ənəs ct ʔiʔ mək̓ʷ stem ʔi ʔə tə sʔa:ɬ təməxʷ.
We will care about our elders, our young ones and everything on our land.
ƛ̓a ceʔ šxʷtəʔes səw xaʔɬəmət ct kʷθə m̓is yəʔey̓əqtal̕xʷ.
That way we will be looking after the ones that come after us.
səsəw yəʔe:y̓ k̓ʷam̓k̓ʷəm̓ tə šxʷməθkʷəy̓əmaʔɬ məsteyəxʷ.
Then the Musqueam will continue to be strong.
Our Mission
Musqueam, through transparent and accountable leadership, will assert the right to govern ourselves, for the benefit of all generations of our people, and exercise that right by building capable governing institutions and economies that match our culture through strong leadership.
Our Values
Shared Responsibility