The Musqueam Indian Band and the University of British Columbia would like to invite you to join us at our 18th Annual Musqueam and UBC Youth Soccer Tournament. The tournament will take place May 20th and 21st, 2023 at the Musqueam Sports Fields. We aim to provide you, your team, your fans and parents with an enjoyable sporting experience.
Entry fees are as follows:
Youth 5 & U $100.00 Unlimited Roster (7 a side)
Youth 7 & U $225.00 Unlimited Roster (7 a side)
Youth 10 & U $225.00 Unlimited Roster (7 a side)
Youth 13 & U $250.00 18 Dressed /game (7 a side)
Youth 16 & U $250.00 18 Dressed /game (7 a side)
Youth 21 & U $250.00 18 Dressed /game (7 a side)
***please note the 21 and under will depend on the number of teams who register and field availability
In effort to support inclusion and team spirit through the sport of soccer we have changed our roster limits. Categories aged 10 & Under will be allowed unlimited rosters. Categories for 13, 16 and 21 & Under will be limited to 18 players dressed per game but an unlimited roster. Please note that other rules, as noted, still apply.
Please remember to have your entry fees and roster to registration by the start of your first game. Also, please remember to sign a Sportsmanship Code of Conduct at the registration table.
Registration deadline is Friday May 5th, 2023.
If you require additional information, please contact Courtenay Gibson at [email protected]
Emailing does not mean registration. Due to limited field space you are only considered registered once you receive a formal reply indicating that your team is registered.