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Community Feedback Meeting: Traditional Foods Processing Space Proposal

January 13, 2022 @ 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm

Community Feedback Meeting: Traditional Foods Processing Space Proposal

Musqueam is applying for funding to build a space to process traditional foods, and to create programming to utilize the space for community sharing of knowledge and food.

We want to hear from you to understand what a traditional foods processing area for our community might look like!


When: Thursday January 13, 2022 @ 5:30pm

Where:  Join the Zoom meeting (no registration required).
This meeting is online only due to COVID-19.


This meeting is the first step in the application process. If the funding is successful there will be more opportunities for community members to be included in this project.

Have questions? Can’t attend this meeting but have ideas about a space for processing and sharing traditional foods? Please get in touch with Courtenay Gibson (Recreation Manager) at [email protected]

Click here to join the Zoom meeting 

More Zoom meeting information below.


community feedback meeting information: traditional food processing

Zoom meeting details

Click meeting link to join: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82013834490?pwd=YWtzckEybkREYXlxYUFCbng4NnZFdz09

Meeting ID: 820 1383 4490

Passcode: 878788

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Meeting ID: 820 1383 4490

Passcode: 878788