Musqueam Fisheries Commission
Musqueam will hold elections on August 24 from 10am-6pm for four positions on the Musqueam Fisheries Commission.
Earlier this year, Musqueam elected three band members to the Musqueam Fisheries Commission for two-year terms. Due to COVID-19, elections over the past few years have not occurred.
On August 17, we held a nominations meeting where Musqueam members could nominate eligible member to sit on the fisheries commission for a three-year term.
The following eight individuals are nominated for election on August 24 to the Musqueam Fisheries Commission.
Justin Guerin | K. Louise Point | Richard T. Campbell |
F. Kelly Louis | Wayne Sparrow | Ronda Campbell |
G. Edward Mearns | K. Louise Point | Vanessa Campbell |
Michele V. Point | K. Louise Point | Wayne Sparrow |
Brian J. Sparrow | Roberta Campbell | Odette Wilson |
Gail Y. Sparrow | Vanessa L. Point | Justina L. Point |
Kenneth ‘Kenny’ Wilson | Johnny ‘Dickie’ Louis | Henry P. Louis |
Kieran W. Wilson | Martin Sparrow | Odette Wilson |
Date: Wednesday, August 24, 2022
Time: 10am-6pm
Where: Band Office – Boardroom 1 (access from reception)
All Musqueam Members can vote for four candidates to be elected to the fisheries commission for a three-year term.
For more information, contact Jocelyn Campbell-Axson: [email protected]