Site Program, Concept A and Density
This page has information that relates to the fourth presentation video that accompanied the community survey that was open from August 20 – September 7, 2020.
Site Program Overview
As part of this project, we’ve tested the program on the project site. In architecture, a program, is the number of units or spaces within a building or on a site.
For the Musqueam Community Rental Complex, the program elements are:
- daycare centre of up to 25 spaces
- townhomes with 10 units
- an apartment building with up to 64 units
- and up to 64 parking spaces.
At this stage, we are trying to understand how many units best fit on site. Below is information on how Concept A meets the program elements. The survey asks for your opinion about density and height of the apartment building.
Parking – 64 parking spaces
- Concept A provides 10 dedicated parking spaces for the townhomes, dedicated parking for the childcare program of up to 11 spaces, and up to 52 spaces for the apartment building, including underground and surface parking.
- 9 more spots than the goal of 64, with a total 73 parking spots.
Childcare Centre – 25 spaces
- The new building could provide care for between 25 and 69 children.
- One-storey building – 25 children
- Two-storey building – 69 children
Townhomes – 10 units
- 10 three-bedroom townhomes with 10 lock-off or studio units on the ground floor
- three-story building each with a parking spot
Apartment Building – 64 units – mix of approximately 30% one-bedroom units, 40% two bedrooms, and 30% 3-bedroom units. with this unit mix:
- six-storey building – 52 units
- 5-story building – 43 units
- four story building – 34 units
Site Density and Height
The most appropriate height for this building and the most appropriate density for this site is really a question for the community. These images will assist in answering the questions in the survey.
The top series of images show the four-storey apartment building and the bottom series of images show the six-storey apartment building so that you can understand what the impact of the height and the density of this building.
Here additional set of images with the four storey and six storey shown as a Bird’s Eye view, from Crown Place and Thellaiwhaltun Avenue.
The top image being a four-storey apartment building and the bottom image showing the 6-storey apartment building.
Concept A Site Access: Two Options
This page has information that relates to the second half of the third video that accompanied the community survey that was open from August 20 – September 7, 2020.
Improving site access for all
We have paid close attention to how neighbours access their homes and developed strategies to not only maintain their current access, but to improve it. We’re proposing a lane that provides fire truck access and site servicing. Crown place will be maintained as the main vehicular route.
We’ve developed two options within Concept A that we’d like your input on as it relates to site access.
Concept A1 you’ve seen already, and includes a lane on the west side of the site, between the church and the townhomes, with the townhome’s front doors and driveways on that side. The plaza is behind the townhomes and the daycare. In this option, the townhomes do not have private backyards.
Concept A2 maintains the existing laneway as part of the church backyard, and includes backyards for the townhomes next to the lane. Between the townhomes and the childcare centre are the front doors and driveway access for the townhomes, meaning there would be no plaza between the two buildings.