Notice of Musqueam Election
Notice is hereby given that Musqueam Indian Band has called an election in accordance with the First Nations Elections Act, for the purpose of electing one Chief and ten Councillors on Monday, November 30, 2020 for the next ensuing term of office. The nomination meeting will be Sunday, October 25, 2020 at 5pm.
Official Notice of Musqueam Election
Musqueam Notice of Nomination Meeting 2020 (Sept. 30)
Election Website
OneFeather conducted our 2016 elections and is the electoral officer for this election.
All election information, including the nomination and mail-in ballot request forms, is on their website:
October 25, 2020
5:00PM – 7:00PM
Musqueam Community Centre Gymnasium
November 30, 2020 (Regular Poll)
9:00AM – 8:00PM
Musqueam Community Centre Gymnasium
Electoral Officers
Nicole Hajash, Electoral Officer
[email protected]
Drew Shaw, Electoral Officer
[email protected]
OneFeather Office: (250) 384-8200
Important Information
Please read over the Musqueam Notice of Nomination Meeting 2020 (Sept. 30) closely.
In accordance with the First Nations Elections Act, there are provisions that MUST be satisfied in order for a nomination, and candidate eligibility is to be approved by the Electoral Officer.
Musqueam Members 18 years and older as of November 30, 2020 (“electors”) can:
- vote in this election
- be added to the Voters List
- nominate and/or be nominated for Chief or Councillor
Nominations for Chief and Council will happen in person at the nomination meeting on October 25, 2020, or by submitting a nomination form. Visit the OneFeather Musqueam Election webpage for the form.
Due to COVID-19, electors are encouraged to submit mail-in nominations. Nomination and voter declaration forms will be mailed with the election notice to all off-reserve electors, or can be downloaded from the OneFeather Musqueam Election webpage.
Electors are reminded that the requirements for nominations and qualifications of candidates are provided for in Section 9 of the First Nations Elections Act. Please review this section if you intend to run for office.
During the nomination meeting special, COVID-19 protocols will be in place to ensure the continued health and safety of our community. This includes physical distancing requirements, using hand sanitizer and wearing a mask.
Candidates must submit to Electoral Officer by 6pm on Friday October 30, 2020 a signed Candidate Declaration Form, available at the nomination meeting or electronically at the website.
The election is November 30, 2020. Electors may vote in person at a polling station or by mail-in ballot.
Any elector may vote by mail-in ballot by submitting a Request for Mail-in Ballot and Voter Declaration Form along with a copy of identification to the Electoral Officer.
A copy of the voters list will be available at the administration office or by request from the Electoral Officer. Questions about the voters list can be directed to the Electoral Officer.