Previously the Multi-Family Affordable Rental Housing Project
The Musqueam Community Rental Complex (MCRC) Project Team provides this update on the summer 2020 community engagement that focused on potential site design concepts. This is a summary of the input from the community survey and information session. A longer MCRC update is available on the MCRC webpage.
MCRC Update Summary | October 2020
Project planning for the MCRC began in 2018 with a vision of providing much-needed affordable residential rental units and a daycare facility for Musqueam members. The proposed development will be on Lot 95, Crown Place, on the Musqueam Reserve (IR 2).
The first phase of community engagement occurred in spring and summer 2019. Members attended three information sessions, providing feedback to the project team. On February 18, 2020, Chief and Council (C&C) authorized Musqueam Capital Corporation (MCC) as the project manager and Aquilini Development for design and construction. The project team created a project vision and guiding principles, and worked to confirm the project scope.
On June 15, 2020, the MCRC project team presented a conceptual design update to C&C in preparation for community engagement in late summer 2020. Multiple design options were presented, including three site layouts, two townhome designs, and three examples of height.
Community input on MCRC site concepts
On August 20, 2020, the project launched the second phase of community engagement, this time focusing specifically on the site design concepts. Due to Covid-19, information normally presented in-person was presented through four pre-recorded videos. Members were invited to watch the videos, read the information on the website and answer a survey before September 7. In addition, a virtual information session was held where the architect presented the site concepts in a 30-minute presentation. High-level summaries of the survey and information session are provided in this update. Summaries are provided in full on the MCRC webpage. A recording of the September 2 information session is on MIB’s Vimeo page.
Survey results
The MCRC Site Concept Community Survey was open August 20-September 7, 2020. It was anonymous, and asked 18 questions about demographics and feedback on the proposed site concepts. The 32 respondents who completed the survey represented full demographics of the community, including 31 Musqueam band members and one community member living in a Musqueam household.
What we heard: Members favoured design Option A2 and the mixture of unit sizes chosen during the earlier request-for-proposal stage reasonably matches the needs of the surveyed community members. Musqueam members residing off-reserve preferred higher density and higher building height, while members residing on-reserve preferred lower density and lower building height. Participants were in favour of in-suite laundry. Concerns were raised about parking availability as members often have more than one vehicle. Read the full survey results on the Musqueam website, under Community Engagement.
MCRC information session
The virtual information session on September 2 had 22 Musqueam members attendees, two councillors and 16 members of the project team, including staff from Musqueam Administration, Musqueam Capital Corp., Urban Arts Architecture and Aquilini Development.
The project architect presented the site design concepts, followed by over 1.5 hours of Q&A with community. Most comments and questions from the session focused on the overall governance and operation of the facility. Questions included project details on construction hours/duration, how to apply for housing, enforcement and management and how the site was chosen. Read a full summary of the community information session, including answers to all question asked, on the MCRC webpage.
Council Decision
Using the feedback from the survey and information session, a briefing note was submitted to Chief and Council on September 16, 2020 to report on the input and recommend an option to proceed to design development.
A motion was adopted by C&C authorising the MCRC project team proceed with design development Option A2, which is three detached buildings – 10 three-storey townhomes with lock-off suites and backyards, 34-unit four-storey apartment building, and child care centre for up to 69 children. Visit the MCRC webpage to read the full motion.
Next Steps: MCRC Design Advisory Group
Thank you to everyone who provided feedback through the survey and information session. Since the first phase of engagement in 2019, there was a gap in communication due to the death of a core team member. The MCRC Project Team is committed to updating community more frequently. We are working hard to address the questions raised in the survey and information sessions. New information and answers to frequently asked questions are available on the MCRC webpage. We are currently working on finalizing more answers to the questions from previous engagements. We want community to feel informed about the opportunities this multi-family housing complex brings instead of feeling confused by a lack of.
The project team is working on the site design and are defining form and character of the three buildings. As we continue to plan the project site design, we are creating a small advisory group to ensure the buildings are Musqueamized and represent the history and culture of our people. The committee will be comprised of Musqueam members selected through an application process and will advise specifically on design elements. For more information, read the call for members to submit an expressions of interest.