First published April 21, 2021. Updated April 31, 2021.
Musqueamized council committees
Musqueam Council is Musqueamizing our governance model to better reflect our traditions, culture, values and teachings. As part of this work, council approved a new committee structure and mandates. In addition, new terms of reference for council committees and members on committees were approved.
The Musqueam Council Committees provide advice to council, and have responsibilities based on the administrative departments they oversee. Each committee is made up of three councillors (including one committee chair) and three community members.
Much of the hard work of council is performed through these five committees, who report to full council monthly for final decisions.
Call for members to apply for council committees
Council and administration are seeking 15 band members to sit on one of the five Musqueam Council Committees for a one-year term. Each committee is required to have Musqueam members as part of the committee structure.
To apply to sit on a committee, complete the application form and submit by Wednesday, May 12, 2021.
The council committees are:
- Community Services (CS)
- Finance and Administration (F&A)
- Intergovernmental Affairs (IGA)
- Lands, Capital and Housing (LCH)
- Self-Government Transition (SGT)
Each committee will include three Musqueam members:
- one Elder (over 65 years of age)
- one youth (18-35 years of age)
- one member-at-large
How to apply to join a council committee
Complete the below application form, referencing the committee’s mandate letter. Send complete forms to Devin Sharma, Musqueam CAO, at [email protected].
Deadline extended until Wednesday, May 12, 2021.
Council Committee Application Form
Applicants should:
- identify their particular interest in joining the committee
- include their background, knowledge and experience, including life experience and education
- speak about their ability to work respectfully and constructively in bringing community knowledge and views to the committee
New Terms of Reference
Selection process
The CAO and two respected Elders with knowledge of Musqueam members are responsible for selecting applicants. In making their recommendations, the CAO and Elders will consult with head of family (committee chairs) for fit and suitability. Recommended applicants will be presented to Musqueam Council for final approval.