Monday, November 30, 2020
9 AM – 8 PM
Musqueam Community Centre – Gymnasium
6777 Salish Drive, Vancouver
Musqueam Indian Band is holding an election on November 30, 2020 to elect one chief and ten councillors for the next term of office, in accordance with the First Nations Elections Act.
Voting is in personon November 30, or by mail-in ballot (by request).
Please adhere to the Covid-19 health and safety precautions to reduce transmission risk on election day:
Wash your hands or use hand sanitizer upon entering the voting area.
Please wear a mask. If you do not have a mask, one will be provided to you.
Maintain social distance between people to ensure that people remain six (6) feet apart.
Electors are encouraged to bring their own pen or a new pen will be provided to you that will be disinfected between voters.
Please exit the voting facility as soon as you have completed voting.
Vote by mail
Due to Covid-19, voters are encouraged to vote by mail in this election. All eligible voters who want to vote by mail-in ballot MUST request a mail-in ballot package from an Electoral Officer (see contact information below).
Request for Mail in Ballot form can be downloaded on the Musqueam Elections webpage or obtained by email from an Electoral Officer. As mail takes longer during COVID-19, please request your mail-in ballot package as soon as possible.
Musqueam Administration is receiving a number of vote-by-mail packages on Monday, November 23 to support local residents to vote safely this election. This includes members living on reserve or within the Metro Vancouver area.
Priority given to members who identify within a vulnerable population: Elders, immune-compromised, living with a disability or underlying health issue, healthcare workers etc.
How to request a vote-by-mail package
Contact Jocelyn (information below) to make individual arrangements for delivery and/or pick-up of a vote-by-mail package.
Already requested a mail-in ballot?
If you received confirmation from OneFeather, then your package has already been sent out and you should receive it shortly. You do not need to request another mail-in ballot from Jocelyn.
Received your voting package, but worried it won’t be sent back in time?
OneFeather accepts hand delivered mail-in ballots on November 30 to the polling station. If you can’t deliver it yourself, contact Jocelyn.
OneFeather is organizing this election and have been the Electoral Officers for previous Musqueam elections. If you have any questions, please contact any of the below people.