This article was published June 24, 2020 on Urban YVR. Ten bronze cast panels designed...
The community newsletter is delivered to Musqueam Reserve households and posted online every Friday.
To submit a notice, email [email protected]
Events Calendar
The BC Cancer Mobile Mammography Bus is returning to Musqueam on January 27. Appointments start at 10:30am and only take about ten minutes.
Shuttle leaves Musqueam Elders Centre at 10:30am and returns around 3:30pm.
Come by for tea, snacks, and a visit to raise awareness about breast cancer. There will be giveaways, educational resources, and a draw for a blanket and tea towel.
Nancy Dan and Phebe Point-Speck will be available to help finish off any of the beaded pins from 2024, or work on any project you have on the go.
Musqueam Elders are invited to lunch every other Thursday at the Elders Centre.
Join this two-day session to learn how to safely talk about substance use and support family and friends living with addictions in Musqueam and other First Nations.
Join this two-day session to learn how to safely talk about substance use and support family and friends living with addictions in Musqueam and other First Nations.
Community is invited to order a cookiegram on February 11 for delivery within Musqueam on Valentine’s Day!
Musqueam Indian Band
6735 Salish Drive
Vancouver, BC V6N 4C4
Website Designed By Affinity Bridge